Monday 13 September 2010

teaching and chatting

Had some time off swimming! But took a neighbour to the local pool on Friday night to help him improve his stroke. He was an energetic front crawler - arms and legs churning away. But he had a good roll. So I showed him some drills to get the position for a more gliding stroke and got him to practice. Then continued to give him small bits of feedback, so that after 45 minutes he was much smoother. Going to work on his breathing next.

And Saturday morning for a leisurely swim and chat with the other Carl in Tooting Lido. No doubt I'll find time for some more swims this week.


  1. Hi Carl.

    Are you going to do the 104 length challenge at the Lido on Saturday 25th? Costs £5 to enter and you need to sign up before Sept 20th.

    I'm thinking about giving it a go, I'm not too sure I can finish it if the water gets cooler.

    It's just under 6 miles and last year (103 lengths) the first finisher came in at 02:16:40! No way I could beat that but I should be able to do it in the four hour time limit.

  2. Alex - no, I won't be. I've not done enough training. And I'm doing the swim leg of a triathlon the following morning. But good luck to you. I think it's still quite warm!
