The cold has disappeared and the swimming has resumed. Normally, during the winter, I'll swim in Peckham Pulse in the mid afternoon. It's public swim session, but there are rarely more than ten people in the pool. This means I can get a good 45 mins to an hour without having to worry about people in the way. But if I've got a lot of work on, the chances to do this diminish and I have to contemplate the horrors of adult lane sessions. My previous experiences of adult lanes are as follows. I get into the 'fast' lane with six to seven other swimmers. All of them, with the occasional exception are slower than me; several of them can't swim in a straight line; and a few of them have no concept of letting me pass. I attempt to maintain a zen like calm, but inevitably fail and fall into the arms of lane rage.
I decided some time ago not to bother going to adult lanes because it's not good for my mental health. Consequently, given work, I can't go as often as I want to.
Log for 26.1.10 to 1.2.10 - 7km indoors (Peckham Pulse, Downham baths and Greenwich)